Please watch this video about Lynn's case.
This Could Happen To You

"No one will be deprived of life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness without due process of law. Due Process of law: The right to controvert every material fact pertinent to your defense.
It all started on a quiet, normal day in January 1987. I had opened a daycare for only 2 1/2 months before the month of April when I was arrested for raping, molesting and violently abusing several children including my own. I was plunged into a nightmare of injustice that I never believed could have happened in America: the land of the free and the home of the brave.
My case was created, not discovered, and I was tried and sentenced to 18 years in prison. I spent 7 1/2 months in the county jail, a year in solitary confinement because of threats on my life and the remaining 10 years on open campus being subject to monitoring, regiment and dismantling of your soul for over 10 years. My daughter Jennifer found me in 1996 and recanted her testimony and was interviewed by a legislator and the letter he wrote and video he did, interviewing her, should have released me immediately but that did not happen. We have not been able to get a review in any court and I have the best attorney on the planet. He has taken this case on faith and should be paid the somewhere close to $80,000 I owe him. Mike Snedeker is the president of the National Center for Reason and Justice and I am so grateful for him.
I was released on July 7, 1999. It was like being hurled into the twilight zone. You can read the details of this case by e-mailing me at I will forward the Federal Petition to you free of charge. The details are too complicated to put in this short narrative but I have a "Nutshell" version I will share for those who want more information and do not want to read the whole petition. Please know that our system has the ability to abuse its power and get away with it. If we don't fight we will not win. As someone once said "The only thing that needs to happen for evil to continue is for good people to do nothing". I am willing to speak, share and be available anywhere I am needed. Innocent people deserve to be vindicated and Americans have paid a high price for the privilege of fairness. This could happen to you!
God Bless You!
With a grateful but sorrowful heart,
Marilynn (Lynn) Malcom
In a Nutshell
By: Lynn Malcom
This is a story about pain, hope and triumph in Christ, in a nightmare of injustice that you would have to experience to believe. And
This could happen to you!
It began on an ordinary day in January 1987. I went to pick up my son Kirk who was 12 and attended a local Christian school. His father, who had divorced me in 1982, was there which was unusual because it was not his day to have the children. I was cordial but curious and he said the Sheriff's office had called and Kirk needed to go down there for questioning and they wouldn't tell him anything more. I told him we Would follow him and I would talk to Kirk to find out what it was all about.
Kirk was most often truthful because I never created an atmosphere of fear. If he had done something wrong he could tell me, and the consequences were real but caring and we had a very close relationship. He trusted me and I adored him. After questioning him I was convinced it was a mystery. He didn't remember doing anything wrong so we decided we would see when we got there.
When we arrived his father and I were ushered into a room without Kirk and told that it had been reported that Kirk had molested a 5 year-old neighborhood boy. I was stunned. Kirk had good manners and would not do that but I assured the detective Kirk would tell the truth. They wanted to interview Kirk alone and Jim (Kirk's father) was not happy about that but I felt like it was not a big deal so I asked how long it would take and they said about 15-20 minutes. That was a lie and a big mistake on our parts.
Kirk came out of the sheriff's office 2 hours later in convulsions and I was furious and frantic as Kirk was screaming out " I did not do those things Mom. They cursed at me, pounded on the table and used foul language and I did not do those things." I asked to see the supervisor and was told I could call tomorrow. A female sheriff came out to talk to us and decided Kirk needed to stay with his father until this was over as they were suspicious of his behavior toward his sister and if we didn't agree they would take both the children and put them in protective custody. We had no choice but to agree.
The nightmare began and within 3 months they had interviewed about 7 children, coerced them to lie and tell the most bizarre stories and also implicate me, my friend Donna and another couple who were like parents to my children. Kirk went to juvenile jail and I went to jail because I would not plea bargain OR admit to any of these disgusting behaviors.

I spent 12 years in prison. In 1996 my daughter, Jennifer reunited with me and told the truth about how they forced her to lie and she was taken to the State Capitol and interviewed by a State Representative who agreed I was innocent and Jennifer was a victim. I was released in July 1999 and have been fighting in the courts ever since. Jennifer and I have done several news reports. Attorneys have spent almost $100,000 in legal briefs and work and are doing this for free because they know I am innocent. I am outraged but I have a strong faith in an awesome God who parted the Red Sea and He is no respector of persons ...He is faithful and I am patient.
In the meantime I pray and trust and do my best to help as many people as I can to know the love and power of Christ and I believe in miracles. It has been hard, it has been torture to be separated from my family and freedom but prison can also be a missionary ground and I had and still have a strong foundation in Christ so I am not moved even in my darkest times. There is more. This is just the nutshell version but someday I will finish my book and you can read the whole story. In the meantime pray and ask questions if you have to but be gentle. Wounds like these lies take years to heal and rehearsing them can be very painful.
It is now 2014 and a wonderful bit of news has happened that I wanted to share. A Police Officer from the same county that my case happened finally won, not just exoneration but also a 9 million dollar lawsuit against the corrupt detective that put him in prison falsely. The reason that is a blessing to me is that the corrupt Detective ( Sharon Krause ) was the same one who coerced my children to lie and put me in priosn. This is good news I wanted to share with all of you who care about innocents and who have been such a special support to me. I will keep you posted as this unfolds but I pray you will all stay in HOPE ! It may take a long time ( 27 yrs ) for me. Even though I was released in July 1999 I have had to register as a sex offender with no opportunity to return to my career as a Dental Assistant and many other difficulties that go along with this horrible stigma.
Here is the newspaper article for you to read. I am grateful Sharon Krause was caught.
Jury Awards 9 Million to Former Local Cop
God bless you