On Wednesday, my Mother got some bad news. She went to the doctors and was diagnosed with lung cancer. The doctors scheduled her for something like 3 or 4 tests, and an operation within two weeks. I think they caught it early.
My Mother has been my strength throughout my incarceration. She has kept me centered. The thing I look forward to the most when I finally get out, is spending time with her. Taking care of her. My life is something of a train wreck, and it has had nothing but a bad impact on my Mother’s life. She deserves some peace in life.
She would lose one son and see another permanently scarred for life in the house fire I was in at age 3. In some ways, I think this caused my Mom some pain and stress throughout her life. Every time my life would take a turn for the worse, Mom was right there picking up pieces and strengthening me. She has always stood by me no matter what.
When I would be accused of molesting my own daughter, she would look through the evidence files. Once she saw for herself that I was innocent, she stood by me these past 25 years. Mom would spend everything she has, lose her house, and go into debt trying to fund my legal defense. She did it without thought.
The Bible says, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man should lay down his life for his friends.” Love is selfless.
Mom is the manifestation of this verse. I really wish my life would not have had such a bad impact on my Mother’s life. She should not have had to go through all of that because of me. If I could change all of that for her, I would without thought. I would do anything to have kept my Mother from going through this because of me.
Now, Mom is going through this diagnosis. I would rather be there for her. She does not deserve any of this. She deserves so much better. She is the strongest person I have ever known. She is the most loving. The most loyal. The most understanding. The most perceptive. They always say that the son will try to marry a woman like their mothers. I doubt very seriously that I will find anyone like my Mother. I suspect that if it is possible, I would have already met them. They just do not raise girls into women like they did back then. Then too, I have never met another woman like my Grandma Vie. Yet another great woman in my family, she may be the reason my Mother is the way she is.
If the worst happens to my Mother, I know I will not be consolable. I will lose my compass. I would ask that everyone send her well wishes. Let her know that many people are standing behind her. Help bring her spirits up so it will be easier for her to go through this. Strengthen her. Give her hope. Do not do it for me, do it for her. Show her that a life full of love and loyalty is the most admirable.
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