Archive for the ‘Innocents’ Category

The Shanley Amicus, Submitted by 100 Leading Scientists

Sunday, September 13th, 2009

Dear Friend of Justice,

Press accounts of the Shanley case have been mentioning an amicus that was submitted by 100 prominent and extremely well-credentialed scientists. You can read the brief for yourself by going here.

I am pleased that four members of the Advisory Board of my organization, the National Center for Reason and Justice, signed on to this clear and comprehensive brief.

-Bob Chatelle

We Must Stop Martha Coakley!

Thursday, September 10th, 2009

Dear Friend of Justice,

When I first heard the unfortunate news about Senator Kennedy’s terminal illness, my blood ran cold at the thought of his being succeeded by Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley.

I fear that Coakley is going to be hard to stop. She will be the only woman in a crowded race, and she is likely to have the enthusiastic support of the Boston Globe, which does its best to influence electoral politics in Massachusetts.

The media is making much of her “stellar” record in the Middlesex District Attorney’s office. Let’s look at that record.

First, there is the case of Ray and Shirley Souza. These were the Lowell grandparents falsely accused and convicted of molesting their own grandchildren. The case was spurred by a daughter who was victimized by a recovered-memory “therapist.” The testimony was manufactured by the same discredited methods used in the other high-profile cases of the day. Ray Souza is now deceased, but Shirley — a very fine woman — is saddled with living her life out as a registered sex offender.

Coakley was also the prosecutor in the case of Louise Woodward — the nanny accused of murdering a child in her care. There was no reliable medical evidence supporting this. Woodward was convicted, but the judge changed the verdict to manslaughter, sentenced her to time served, and released her to return to her native England.

Then there was the Fells Acres case.  The Amirault family was falsely accused and wrongly convicted of abusing children at the daycare school that they ran. This was one of the classic daycare cases, along with the McMartin case, Bernard Baran, the Little Rascals, and many others. While Coakley was not one of the original prosecutors, she fought the appeals tooth and nail. And when Gerald Amirault was pursuing a commutation, she orchestrated a disinformation campaign against the Amiraults.

Coakley and the Middlesex County DA’s office also did their best to derail at least one wrongfully convicted inmate’s efforts to prove his innocence via DNA evidence, at first denying that such evidence existed, then trying to impede access to it.  Once the evidence was obtained. and the inmate’s innocence was established, Coakley still tried (and failed) to strike a face-saving deal in which the exoneree would admit to a nonexistent measure of guilt.

And then there is the case of Paul Shanley The media campaign against Shanley was so successful that few consider his innocence a possibility. But innocent he is. I attended that trial. There was no evidence against him, other than the testimony of a sociopath who had collected a huge settlement from the church and who claimed to have massively repressed for decades all memory of terrible abuse that had occurred weekly for years.  There is no scientific evidence to support the theory of massive repression. I refer you to Dr. Richard McNally’s excellent book on the subject, Remembering Trauma.

I believe that Coakley is driven more by ambition than ideology. But her willingness to sacrifice the lives of innocent people in order to further her political goals is most troubling. If Massachusetts voters wish to honor Ted Kennedy’s legacy, they should send someone else to replace him.

-Bob Chatelle

Bernard Baran Health Update

Thursday, September 3rd, 2009

Dear Friend of Justice,

About a month ago I reported that Bee Baran had been diagnosed with pancreatitus. While I’ve had many inquiries about his health, I have refrained from posting until we had more information.

In the past month, Bee has had a great many tests and seen doctors, including a very good specialist. Only yesterday, a diagnosis was given.

Bee has a rare condition. He has antibodies in his system that attacked his pancreas as if they were attacking a foreign body. The specialist doesn’t know how he developed this condition, but it may have its roots in  an operation  he had at Shattuck Hospital when he was a prisoner. The level of these antibodies is low and his pancreas has returned to near normal functioning. But the specialist is undecided about treatment.

The antibodies could be knocked out with massive doses of prednisone. But such treatment could have nasty side effects. For one thing, it could leave him vulnerable to cancer. Should his antibody level increase, however, there would be little alternative.

For the next six weeks, his only treatment will be pain medication and something to keep his stomach settled. He has been asked to monitor and log everything he eats, his reactions, etc. He will see the specialist again and they will decide upon their next step.

Bee has been unable to work. He may have to go on unemployment or short-term disability. i will talk to him more about this.

Fortunately, we had started a fund-raising drive shortly before he became sick, and people have been very generous. Bee is most grateful for this help. And at this time we have every intention of holding our fund-raising party for him on September 12th.

I will keep you informed of any developments.

-Bob Chatelle

Michael O'Laughlin Moves One Step Closer to Freedom

Friday, August 7th, 2009

Dear Friend of Justice,

See this post on Michael O’Laughlin’s blog:

Of course those two rotten peas in a pod — Berkshire County District Attorney David Capeless and Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley — will appeal to the Supreme Court. (When pursuing injustice, they both believe that no stone should be left unturned.) But we can at least hope that this terrible case will soon be over.

-Bob Chatelle

Bee Baran Has Pancreatitis

Friday, August 7th, 2009

Dear Friend of Justice,

I received a disturbing phone call from Bee this morning. He went to the emergency room last night in pain. He was diagnosed with pancreatitis. He was allowed to spend the night at home, but has another appointment today. His family is on their way from Pittsfield.

I will keep you posted.

-Bob Chatelle

Dennis Maher to be Paid 3.1 Million

Friday, August 7th, 2009

Dear Friend of Justice,


Dennis was one of Bee’s best friends in prison and they remain very close since they were released.

-Bob Chatelle

The NCRJ Web Site

Saturday, August 1st, 2009

Dear Friend of Justice,

The National Center for Reason and Justice has a brand new look. Check it out at


Lorain County Prosecutors Seek to Send Nancy Smith and Joseph Allen Back to prison

Friday, July 24th, 2009

Dear Friend of Justice,

I had been expecting to read a news story like this for the past month, ever since Judge Burge ordered the acquittals of Nancy Smith and Joseph Allen:

I once heard a prosecutor say on television that convicting an innocent person was his worst nightmare. That is true for good prosecutors. But for far too many prosecutors, their worst nightmare is convicting an innocent person and not getting away with it.

Bernard Baran was released from prison in June of 2006. But his legal battle continued for three more years. He fought the battle outside the walls — far better than fighting from inside. And onerous restrictions had been placed on Baran, restrictions that do not apply to Smith and Allen.

During the past three years, more and more people found out about the Baran case and realized that it was a monstrous miscarriage of justice. When they did, people realized that DA David Capeless was either completely immoral or a total fool. Eventually, continuing the fight became politically untenable for him.

My hope is that there will be increased media attention paid to Nancy Smith and Joseph Allen, both locally and nationally. Some prosecutors may not be bothered by sending innocent people to prison. But, fortunately, a great many American citizens still are.


Some Documents in the Paul Shanley Case

Monday, July 20th, 2009

Dear Friend of Justice,

I have just posted some important documents in the Father Paul Shanley case on the website of the National Center for Reason and Justice .

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court will be hearing arguments in the case in early September.


Kids recant abuse claims after dad jailed 20 years

Sunday, July 12th, 2009


The following appeared on
Headline: Kids recant abuse claims after dad jailed 20 years
Date:     Jul 12, 2009

“Former Vancouver police officer Clyde Ray Spencer spent nearly 20 years in prison after he was convicted of sexually molesting his son and daughter. Now, the children say it never happened.”

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