Archive for September, 2018

What Brett Kavanaugh Really Learned in Hisgh School

Thursday, September 27th, 2018

“Virtually everything about this spectacle except the tentative, then stoic intervention of Ford reeks of bad faith. Wisdom crouches in the corner, silent. Yet wisdom—have we forgot?—is the fundamental and ancient criterion for a judge. Kavanaugh has failed the test of wisdom not by what he is accused of doing when he was 17 and drunk but by his adult neglect of reflection and his indifference to suffering, something this moment puts in a sharper light. He does not deserve to be on any court, much less the Supreme Court.”

Read the full article in Counterpunch by JoAnn Wyypijewski.

That Grand Jury Report on Abusive Catholic Priests

Thursday, September 6th, 2018

“As hard as this may be to read or hear, it must be understood. Common sense is now officially suspended when it comes to Catholic priests and sexual abuse. A moral panic has taken its place. It is especially painful – even catastrophic – when the Catholic media and the highest levels of Church governance suspend a search for truth and settle only for the fastest means to smother the fires of scandal. We have lost our way.”

The National Center for Reason and Justice believes in the innocence of Gordon MacRae and have been sponsoring his case for many years. Read his blog post about the current moral panic.

Also read this rebuttal of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury report.