Archive for the ‘Innocents’ Category

The Plight of of Joseph Allen

Wednesday, August 7th, 2013

The National Center for Reason and Justice has republished an article about Joseph Allen with a troubling update on his situation.

-Bob Chatelle


Jesse Friedman Report: Prosecution Masquerading as Investigation

Thursday, August 1st, 2013

The National Center for Reason and Justice‘s response to DA Kathleen Rice’s self-serving report on Jesse Friedman.

Send Elizabeth Ramirez a Birthday Card

Saturday, July 6th, 2013

Dear Friend of Justice,

Most of you are by now familiar with the case of the San Antonio Four. Elizabeth Ramirez was the primary defendant if the case.

Liz’s birthday is July 12. I know if would cheer her up if she received a few cards.

The address is:

Elizabeth Ramirez 829689
Hobby Unit
742 FM 712
Marlin, TX 76661

Thank you!

-Bob Chatelle

San Antonio Four Movie Pledge p.s.

Saturday, June 29th, 2013

When I made the previous posting, I forgot to include the pledge url. I’ve since corrected that, but here it is again:


Please Pledge Now to Make This Important Movie Possible

Saturday, June 29th, 2013

Dear Friend of Justice,

My friend Deb Esquenazi is trying to raise $15,000 on Kickstarter to help fund her movie about the case of the San Antonio Four.

If she doesn’t make her goal, she gets nothing.

Currently, she has raised $12,141. She has only three days to go to get the rest.

If you haven’t pledged, please do so now. Any amount helps. If you have already pledged, please consider increasing it.

I have pledged and the National Center for Reason and Justice has pledged.

Please join us in fighting this horrible miscarriage of justice. Go here to pledge:


Another Post From David Foley About the Friedman Case and Related Matters

Friday, June 28th, 2013

Blog Post About Jesse Friedman

Thursday, June 27th, 2013

Dear Friend of Justice,

Here is an excellent blog post about the Friedman decision, by our good friend David Foley.

-Bob Chatelle

Bad News in the Friedman Case

Monday, June 24th, 2013

The National Center for Reason and Justice will be issuing a statement. I will withhold comment until then.


Paul Shanley Web Site

Sunday, June 23rd, 2013

Dear Friend of Justice,

I have long been convinced of the innocence of Father Paul Shanley. My partner Jim and I attended his trial. No credible evidence against him was presented. Unfortunately, he had already been convicted by the media, especially by the Boston Globe.

Jim and I visit Paul, write to him, and talk with him on the phone. He has begun to share some of his prison writings with us.

The National Center for Reason and Justice — who sponsor his case — have long had information about Shanley at their web site. But we decided he deserved a site of his own where we could also publish some of his writings.

Thus far, we have only added two short pieces that we hope you will read. We will be adding more in the future.

The url is

-Bob Chatelle


Jesse Friedman: “Forget it? I can never forget it.”

Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

“The American public is wholly ignorant about way too many things,” he began. “And one of them is this notion — it’s called the “Law and Order” Effect. Everybody thinks that the criminal justice system works the way “Law and Order” does. They think that truth and facts always are uncovered by hardworking determined people, that guilty people go to prison and innocent people are found to be innocent and the real perpetrators get caught and the whole thing gets neatly wrapped up in 42 and a half minutes if you take out the commercials. That’s not how the criminal justice system works…”