Archive for the ‘Innocents’ Category

Rally in Support of Joseph Allen

Monday, October 14th, 2013

A message from Cassandra Allen, Joseph Allen’s niece:

I am so saddened about what happened to my uncle! Being in the court room when they arrested him to send him back to prison was heart breaking. My family and I are so torn. I am so thankful that Bob Chatelle has been keeping the world posted about my uncle. Although most of his family lives in Alabama, he has countless of supporters who are all around and willing to continue to fight for his justice. A Rally for Freedom in support for Joseph Allen will be held next Saturday, October 26, 2013 at Ely Square in Elyria, Ohio starting at 9am. We are inviting all supporters to come out to show their support. If you have any questions or need further information please email me at Thank you!

Joseph Allen’s Prison Address

Friday, October 11th, 2013

Yesterday, Joseph was transferred to the Lorain Correctional Institution. His address:

Joseph Lee Allen
Lorain Correctional Institution
2075 South Avon Beldon Road
Grafton, Ohio 44044

I hope some of you will find the time to send him a letter or a card.

It’s very important to remind him that there are those on the outside who care about him.


The Recanters: What Happens When Abuse Claims Come Undone?

Wednesday, October 9th, 2013

From the Texas Observer.

Tamir Kalifa

But at the National Center for Reason and Justice, a national nonprofit based in Massachusetts that identifies potential cases of innocence from among high stacks of letters from prisoners and parolees around the country, it is believed that many more innocent people are out there, in prison and on parole, who will never be exonerated.

Journalist Debbie Nathan, who works with the group and wrote the book Satan’s Silence about the famed satanic ritual abuse cases of the 1980s and 1990s, said that the vast majority of cases in which someone is falsely accused of raping a child are not as lurid or absurd as the bizarre tales of sexual torture that once dominated the headlines. Sometimes the accused may be technically innocent but otherwise unsympathetic. “Maybe they hit the kid,” Nathan said, or “there is stuff going on where it’s not sexual abuse, but it might not be a savory family situation.”

An Innocent Man Sent Back to Prison After Four Years of Freedom

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

I just posted this to the NCRJ web site.

We are saddened and outraged by the gross injustice of the Head Start case in Lorain Ohio. This afternoon, Joseph Allen was sent back to prison.

Here are two articles about today’s events:

Please read and leave a comment.

For more information about Joseph’s plight, see this article from our web site:

Joseph Allen is Going Back to Prison

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

Today is a very sad day for me. At one p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time)  my friend Joseph Allen — an innocent man — will be sent back to prison by Judge Virgil Sinclair. He may never be free again.

The case is complicated and impossible to summarize in a few sentences. Nancy Smith was a driver for the Head Start program in Lorain Ohio. In 1993, a disturbed woman claimed that Nancy was driving her pre-schoolers to the home of a man named Joseph who would then sadistically abuse them sexually. At the time, national hysteria over sexual abuse at daycares was still raging. At first, the case went nowhere because there was no evidence to back up the accusations and much evidence against them. But the woman went to the media and caused a panic.

Eventually Joseph Allen was arrested. While Joseph was originally identified as white, Joseph Allen is a very black man. To this day, Joseph Allen and Nancy Smith have never met. The only witness to link them very obviously committed perjury.

Over months, children were cajoled into testifying. Smith and Allen were convicted in August of 1994. Smith was sentenced to 30-90 years. Joseph received 5 consecutive life sentences.

For a more detailed account, read this article I wrote about the case with Dr. Emily Horowitz.

Early in 2009, Smith and Allen were back in court due to a sentencing error that needed to be corrected. The judge assigned to the case — James Burge — took the time to examine the record. He quickly realized that the case against Smith and Allen was bogus. In June of 2009, he acquitted them both. And in a decent  world, that would have ended the matter.

But prosecutors have to be right — especially when they are wrong.

Acquittals are supposed to be final. Nevertheless, prosecutors appealed the acquittals and “won” before the Ohio Supreme Court in April of 2011.

And then nothing more happened for a very long time. By this time the press and most of the public had realized that the Smith/Allen case was a cruel and gross miscarriage of justice. Prosecutors realized that pressing their advantage could come at a political cost.

But forces hostile to Smith and Allen were at work.

In April of this year, Judge Burge was forced off the case and Virgil Sinclair was appointed to replace him.

Prosecutors and defense attorneys worked out a deal. Smith and Allen would be convicted of lesser charges and sentenced to time served. In exchange, they would give up their rights permanently to appeal their cases.

Sinclair accepted the arrangement for Nancy Smith. But he insisted that Joseph Allen go back to prison. And give up his appeal rights. His sentenced will be reduced to 15-25 years.

Now I don’t possess Sinclair’s brilliant legal mind. But he seems to believe that the crimes that Joseph Allen didn’t commit were far more serious than the ones Nancy Smith didn’t commit.

I have had phone conversations with Joseph almost every day for the past couple of weeks while he struggled over whether or not to accept this horrible deal.

Yesterday, he phoned me to tell me he was going to go along with it.


An appeal would be very expensive. (Although I’m confident that the National Center for Reason and Justice (NCRJ) would have committed itself to raising the money.) But given the record of the Ohio Appellate Court and the Ohio Supreme Court, Joseph could never have won in Ohio. The deck was stacked against him. He might well have prevailed in federal court. But it would have taken many years to get there.

Joseph Allen will receive no relief from the parole board or the governor. He has already served closed to 15 years, so at least he should be out in ten more years. The NCRJ will do everything it can to support him while he is back in prison.

So once again the bullies have showed us who runs the school yard.

Why do they keep getting away with this crap?

One reason is that no one ever pays a price — political or otherwise — for causing and perpetrating injustice.

As citizens, we cannot continue to condemn wrongdoing and reward it at the same time.

I expect to post more about Joseph after today’s hearing is behind us.

-Bob Chatelle







Appeal Filed in the Keller Case

Sunday, September 22nd, 2013

This case has long been sponsored by the National Center for Reason and Justice.

Two Articles About the Keller Appeal

Thursday, August 29th, 2013

Another case sponsored by the National Center for Reason and Justice.

Can Keller Conviction Stand Without Physical Evidence?

Texas Couple Appeals Sentence for Satanic Ritual Abuse

A Letter to the Court From the Mother of a Friedman Accuser

Wednesday, August 28th, 2013

Arline Epstein is the mother of a recanting accuser in the Friedman case.

Here is a cover letter she wrote to the Court. She believes that Jesse Friedman is innocent.

We will post the longer document when it becomes available to us.

Prosecutors Ordered to Turn Over Friedman Documents

Thursday, August 22nd, 2013

More Cruel Injustice in Ohio

Saturday, August 10th, 2013

The NCRJ will continue to fight for justice for Nancy Smith and Joseph Allen.