Apr 05, 2009 The Wrongful Conviction of Bruce Perkins 1   Bruce Perkins Falsely Accused, Wrongfully Convicted Home Statement of Facts Carol's Declaration Search This Site How You Can Help It Could Happen To You by Eleanor Goldstein and Mark Pendergrast August 1, 1995 Copyright 1995 the authors. Posted with permission of the authors   Before the Trouble: Carol and Bruce at a class reuinion Bruce Perkins, 50, recently discovered a new talent. Formerly a successfulbusinessman, he is now a fine water colorist, painting Western art, sensitivestill lives and portraits -- and he is a prison inmate. "It's just an exerciseto pass time and find a way to put a piece of myself and the love I havefor someone in a few cents' worth of paint daubed on a piece of paper,"he explains.  Among his most poignant pictures are those of his grandchildren,painted from photos a few years old. Perkins has good reason to "pass time" -- he has been in prison fortwo years now, sentenced to thirty years for sexually abusing those grandchildren,despite a complete lack of evidence, other than the contradictory and bizarretestimony of little children who may have been coerced by therapists, socialworkers, and police using pseudoscientific methods. Bruce and Carol Perkins have an uncommon marriage in our modern era.They are more concerned about one another than themselves.  Bruceworries primarily that his incarceration is hard on Carol, while she devotesher life to gaining his freedom. "We've been together since we were fifteen years old," Bruce says, "andbeing without her is the most horrible part of this nightmare." The frightening thing about "this nightmare" is that such a nightmarecould happen to anyone.  Once a sexual abuse allegation is made, andthe wheels of the Child Protective Services system begin to roll, logicand presumed innocence can fly out the window, even here in America, wherewe pride ourselves on our concern for justice. Fortunately, some who have been unjustly imprisoned in this sex abusewitch hunt are being released.  Kelly Michaels, accused of smearingpeanut butter on children's genitals and pushing Lego blocks into theiranuses and vaginas, has finally been freed after five years from a NewJersey prison, just as Robert Kelly's conviction in a similar North Carolinaday care case has been overturned. But in a courtroom in Texas, judges still believe that children cannever be led into a lie, however absurd and impossible their claims mightbe. Bruce Perkins remains in prison, where he paints beautiful picturesof his grandchildren.  He has served two years of a thirty year sentence. Bruce and Carol have two sons, Larin and Lann.  Before allegationssurfaced, the Perkins' family was particularly close-knit.  Then Trish,Larin's wife, entered therapy in 1991 for depression and parenting difficulties. Soon, however, she began to uncovered supposedly "repressed memories" ofabuse by her grandfather when she was a child.  She began to see signsof sexual abuse everywhere.  After observing her children "playingdoctor" with friends, she grilled them about possible molesters and soonaccused several of their playmates of abuse.  Then, suspecting anadult perpetrator, she asked her four-year-old daughter whether "Pawpaw,"her granddaddy Bruce, had ever touched her.  Trish had never liked her husband's parents.  Now shequestioned her daughter repeatedly about what Pawpaw might have done, butthe child insisted that nothing had happened. Finally, in the fall of 1992, the child told her mother something aboutPawpaw Bruce.  Trish frantically called Patty, Lann's wife, who questionedher four-year-old daughter.  Soon, Child Protective Services becameinvolved, then the sheriff's department.  The police questioned bothgranddaughters closely. Many recent studies have demonstrated that children --particularly preschoolers-- will say just about anything to please an adult.  Small childrenhave active imaginations and, if properly coached and repeatedly led ina particular direction (often using sexually explicit dolls), they willaccuse almost anyone of sexual abuse.  That is clearly what happenedin the case of Bruce Perkins.  Fortunately, we have the tapes of apolice detective's interviews with the grandchildren.  Though thechildren had already been coached by their mothers, the leading natureof the questions is obvious:   Interviewer:  Did he ever put anything wet [on your vagina]? Child:  Uhh, no. Interviewer:  How about, did he ever use any kind of oil or ketchup? Child:  Ketchup. Elsewhere, the policeman asked how the child knew that Pawpaw Brucehad also molested her cousin.  "Cause my momma told me," she answered. Eventually, an elaborate set of horrifying accusations came out of theseprotracted interviews.  In October of 1991, Carol Perkins hosted abirthday party for her husband at their house, attended by over forty friendsand relatives.  During the party, Bruce Perkins supposedly lured sevenchildren, including three grandchildren, up to his bedroom, where he strippedthem naked, smeared cake, ice cream, ketchup, and mustard on their privates,licked it all off, pushed Lego blocks inside them, took pictures of them,cleaned them up, and sent them all downstairs, with no one the wiser. Adding to the improbability of this story are several facts. The bedroomdoor had no lock.  Perkins was supposed to have abused a cat duringthe birthday molestation, even though Carol Perkins hates cats and won'thave them in her house.  Four of the seven children were not evenat the birthday party.  No photographs or any other evidence wereever found. Other allegations were even more preposterous.  Perkins was supposedto have taken one granddaughter out to the chicken house and forced herto have intercourse with their dog, after which he cut off the dog's penisand squirted blood all over the child. All of this purportedly occurred in a 4' by 4' area, and the dog notonly survived the experience, but grew a new penis!  There were alsosupposed to be magical moving walls in the bedroom. Incredibly, Bruce Perkins was found guilty by a jury.  He had passeda lie detector test administered by Ernest Halsey, the chairman of theTexas State Polygraph Examiners Board, but the judge refused to let Halseytestify, so the jury never heard about the test. The human tragedy caused by these misguided sex abuse hysteria casesis incalculable.  After the trial, on her 31st wedding anniversary,Carol Perkins sent her sons a tape of the country western song "Daddy'sHands," to remind them what their father meant to them:   I remember Daddy's hands, working 'til they bled, Sacrificed unselfishly just to keep us all fed. If I could do things over, I'd live my life again And never take for granted the love in Daddy's hands. Instead of the sons remembering their father's hard work and love, theyinterpreted the song as their mother's cynical attempt to rub their nosesin what "Daddy's hands" had done, molesting his grandchildren. Meanwhile,the grandchildren themselves have indeed been abused, by the very systemthat was supposed to help them.  They will probably always think nowthat their loving grandfather did something awful to them. Bruce Perkins' first appeal has been denied, but his new lawyer, JohnAckerman, has appealed to a higher court.  In the meantime, CarolPerkins has been forced to sell everything she ever owned, including theirbusiness and home, to pay for legal fees.  She now lives with friendsand sells cars to make a living. And she visits Bruce in prison once aweek for two hours, where he has a new painting waiting for her. Mark Pendergrast is an investigative journalist,  the author of Victimsof Memory: Incest Accusations And Shattered Lives .                            ************************   Click here for instructions on to make a donation to Bruce's defense fund. About Bruce Bruce's Bio A Letter From Bruce If I Could Write my Sons A Few Watercolors copyright 2009 National Center for Reason and Justice Apr 05, 2009 The Wrongful Conviction of Bruce Perkins 1   Bruce Perkins Falsely Accused, Wrongfully Convicted Home Statement of Facts Carol's Declaration Search This Site How You Can Help It Could Happen To You by Eleanor Goldstein and Mark Pendergrast August 1, 1995 Copyright 1995 the authors. Posted with permission of the authors   Before the Trouble: Carol and Bruce at a class reuinion Bruce Perkins, 50, recently discovered a new talent. Formerly a successfulbusinessman, he is now a fine water colorist, painting Western art, sensitivestill lives and portraits -- and he is a prison inmate. "It's just an exerciseto pass time and find a way to put a piece of myself and the love I havefor someone in a few cents' worth of paint daubed on a piece of paper,"he explains.  Among his most poignant pictures are those of his grandchildren,painted from photos a few years old. Perkins has good reason to "pass time" -- he has been in prison fortwo years now, sentenced to thirty years for sexually abusing those grandchildren,despite a complete lack of evidence, other than the contradictory and bizarretestimony of little children who may have been coerced by therapists, socialworkers, and police using pseudoscientific methods. Bruce and Carol Perkins have an uncommon marriage in our modern era.They are more concerned about one another than themselves.  Bruceworries primarily that his incarceration is hard on Carol, while she devotesher life to gaining his freedom. "We've been together since we were fifteen years old," Bruce says, "andbeing without her is the most horrible part of this nightmare." The frightening thing about "this nightmare" is that such a nightmarecould happen to anyone.  Once a sexual abuse allegation is made, andthe wheels of the Child Protective Services system begin to roll, logicand presumed innocence can fly out the window, even here in America, wherewe pride ourselves on our concern for justice. Fortunately, some who have been unjustly imprisoned in this sex abusewitch hunt are being released.  Kelly Michaels, accused of smearingpeanut butter on children's genitals and pushing Lego blocks into theiranuses and vaginas, has finally been freed after five years from a NewJersey prison, just as Robert Kelly's conviction in a similar North Carolinaday care case has been overturned. But in a courtroom in Texas, judges still believe that children cannever be led into a lie, however absurd and impossible their claims mightbe. Bruce Perkins remains in prison, where he paints beautiful picturesof his grandchildren.  He has served two years of a thirty year sentence. Bruce and Carol have two sons, Larin and Lann.  Before allegationssurfaced, the Perkins' family was particularly close-knit.  Then Trish,Larin's wife, entered therapy in 1991 for depression and parenting difficulties. Soon, however, she began to uncovered supposedly "repressed memories" ofabuse by her grandfather when she was a child.  She began to see signsof sexual abuse everywhere.  After observing her children "playingdoctor" with friends, she grilled them about possible molesters and soonaccused several of their playmates of abuse.  Then, suspecting anadult perpetrator, she asked her four-year-old daughter whether "Pawpaw,"her granddaddy Bruce, had ever touched her.  Trish had never liked her husband's parents.  Now shequestioned her daughter repeatedly about what Pawpaw might have done, butthe child insisted that nothing had happened. Finally, in the fall of 1992, the child told her mother something aboutPawpaw Bruce.  Trish frantically called Patty, Lann's wife, who questionedher four-year-old daughter.  Soon, Child Protective Services becameinvolved, then the sheriff's department.  The police questioned bothgranddaughters closely. Many recent studies have demonstrated that children --particularly preschoolers-- will say just about anything to please an adult.  Small childrenhave active imaginations and, if properly coached and repeatedly led ina particular direction (often using sexually explicit dolls), they willaccuse almost anyone of sexual abuse.  That is clearly what happenedin the case of Bruce Perkins.  Fortunately, we have the tapes of apolice detective's interviews with the grandchildren.  Though thechildren had already been coached by their mothers, the leading natureof the questions is obvious:   Interviewer:  Did he ever put anything wet [on your vagina]? Child:  Uhh, no. Interviewer:  How about, did he ever use any kind of oil or ketchup? Child:  Ketchup. Elsewhere, the policeman asked how the child knew that Pawpaw Brucehad also molested her cousin.  "Cause my momma told me," she answered. Eventually, an elaborate set of horrifying accusations came out of theseprotracted interviews.  In October of 1991, Carol Perkins hosted abirthday party for her husband at their house, attended by over forty friendsand relatives.  During the party, Bruce Perkins supposedly lured sevenchildren, including three grandchildren, up to his bedroom, where he strippedthem naked, smeared cake, ice cream, ketchup, and mustard on their privates,licked it all off, pushed Lego blocks inside them, took pictures of them,cleaned them up, and sent them all downstairs, with no one the wiser. Adding to the improbability of this story are several facts. The bedroomdoor had no lock.  Perkins was supposed to have abused a cat duringthe birthday molestation, even though Carol Perkins hates cats and won'thave them in her house.  Four of the seven children were not evenat the birthday party.  No photographs or any other evidence wereever found. Other allegations were even more preposterous.  Perkins was supposedto have taken one granddaughter out to the chicken house and forced herto have intercourse with their dog, after which he cut off the dog's penisand squirted blood all over the child. All of this purportedly occurred in a 4' by 4' area, and the dog notonly survived the experience, but grew a new penis!  There were alsosupposed to be magical moving walls in the bedroom. Incredibly, Bruce Perkins was found guilty by a jury.  He had passeda lie detector test administered by Ernest Halsey, the chairman of theTexas State Polygraph Examiners Board, but the judge refused to let Halseytestify, so the jury never heard about the test. The human tragedy caused by these misguided sex abuse hysteria casesis incalculable.  After the trial, on her 31st wedding anniversary,Carol Perkins sent her sons a tape of the country western song "Daddy'sHands," to remind them what their father meant to them:   I remember Daddy's hands, working 'til they bled, Sacrificed unselfishly just to keep us all fed. If I could do things over, I'd live my life again And never take for granted the love in Daddy's hands. Instead of the sons remembering their father's hard work and love, theyinterpreted the song as their mother's cynical attempt to rub their nosesin what "Daddy's hands" had done, molesting his grandchildren. Meanwhile,the grandchildren themselves have indeed been abused, by the very systemthat was supposed to help them.  They will probably always think nowthat their loving grandfather did something awful to them. Bruce Perkins' first appeal has been denied, but his new lawyer, JohnAckerman, has appealed to a higher court.  In the meantime, CarolPerkins has been forced to sell everything she ever owned, including theirbusiness and home, to pay for legal fees.  She now lives with friendsand sells cars to make a living. And she visits Bruce in prison once aweek for two hours, where he has a new painting waiting for her. Mark Pendergrast is an investigative journalist,  the author of Victimsof Memory: Incest Accusations And Shattered Lives .                            ************************   Click here for instructions on to make a donation to Bruce's defense fund. About Bruce Bruce's Bio A Letter From Bruce If I Could Write my Sons A Few Watercolors copyright 2009 National Center for Reason and Justice Apr 05, 2009 The Wrongful conviction of Bruce Perkins 1   Bruce Perkins Falsely Accused, Wrongfully Convicted Home Statement of Facts Carol's Declaration Search This Site How You Can Help Statement of Facts DEFENDANTS NAME: KENNETH B. PERKINS DEFENDENTS AGE: 48 (at time of sentencing) CITY OF RESIDENT: Waller, Texas (at time of accusation) Houston, Texas (at time of trial) CONVICTION: AUGUST 2, 1993 CASE NO: 644534 (grandchild #1) Count 1: Guilty of aggravated sexual assault Punishment: Confinement in the Institutional Division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for 30 years and assess a fine in the amount of $5,000. Count II: Guilty of aggravated sexual assault Punishment: Confinement in the Institutional Division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for 30 years and assess a fine in the amount of $5,000. CASE NO. 644535 (grandchild #2) Count I: Guilty of aggravated sexual assault Punishment: Confinement in the Institutional Division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for 30 years and assess a fine in the amount of $5,000. Count II: Guilty of aggravated sexual assault Punishment: Confinement in the Institutional Division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for 30 years and assess a fine in the amount of $5,000. VERDICT AND SENTENCING WERE BY A JURY JUDGE STATED THIS SENTENCING WOULD RUN CONCURRENTLY THIS CASE WAS HEARD IN THE COURT OF APPEALS (Eighth District of Texas at El Paso) ON FEB. 1, 1995. NO. 08-93-00305-CR & 08-93-00306-CR. OPINION WAS RENDERED ON JUNE 8, 1995 APPEAL DENIED PREVIOUS ATTORNEY?S ONCKEN & ONCKEN WERE RELEASED AS COUNSEL ON JUNE 12, 1995. NEW ATTORNEY?S JOHN ACKERMAN/MICHAEL CHARLTON WAS BROUGHT INTO CASE ON JUNE 21, 1995. MOTION FOR RE-HEARING WAS SUBMITTED TO THE ELPASO CT. ON JUNE 23, 1995. RE-HEARING DENIED APPEAL WAS THEN FORWARDED TO THE TEXAS CRIMINAL APPEALS CT.-AUSTIN, TEXAS DEC. 1995. APPEAL DENIED December, 2000 we filed a Writ of Heabes Corpus in the original trial court. (174 th District Court of Harris County, Texas). Additional exhibits were filed in 2001. March 8,2001- First possible parole was NOT GRANTED. Reason: Criminal Record and/or Nature of Offences. The Institutional Division will monitor treatment plan progress and will report progress to the Board of Pardons and Paroles. Next Parole review date is 01/2003. April 22,2002 ? Judge George Godwin of the 174 th District Court of Harris County DENIED relief. June 12, 2002 ? Texas Court of Crininal Appeals DENIED relief. June 13, 2002 ? Writ was filed in the US District Court for the Southern District of Texas. Case was assigned to Judge Ewing Werlein Jr. Court. March 6, 2003 ? Second possible parole was NOT GRANTED . Reason: The record indicates that the inmate committed one or more violent criminal acts indicating a conscious disregard for the lives, safety, or property of others; the instant offense or pattern or criminal activity has elements of brutality, violence, or conscious selection of victim?s vulnerability such that the inmate poses an undue threat to the public; the record indicates use of a weapon. Note from Carol: In regards to the above ?reason? I called the Parole Board questioning the above statements. It was explained to me this was a ?generic statement? bottom line Bruce was denied parole because he just had not served enough time. March 7, 2003 ? This case was transferred by the District Judge Werlein Jr. to his Magistrate Frances H. Stacy. September 18, 2003 ? U.S. Magistrate Judge Frances H. Stacy DENIED relief March 22, 2004 - Writ of Heabes Corpus was filed in US 5 th Circuit Ct., New Orleans June 1, 2004- U.S. 5 th Circuit Ct., New Orleans ?COA GRANTED in part and DENIED in part. Judge Carl E. Stewart December, 2005 ? Dr. Rex Franks Phd of San Antonio spends two days evaluating Bruce. Feburary 24, 2005- U.S. 5 th Circuit Ct., New Orleans- Federal Writ of Heabes Corpus DENIED. March 30, 2005 ? Parole Attorney, Allen Place and Carol meet with Parole Board Member for hearing. April 25, 2005 ? Parole Board DENIES Parole due to ?nature of offense? Was given a 3 year sit off. This was our 3 rd attempt at requesting parole. May, 2005 ? Michael Charlton recommends to the Innocence Network, located at University of Houston that they consider looking into case. June, 2005 ? Carol meets with Karen Hamilton, with the Innocence Network. They agree to take on Perkins case. At this time Kenneth B. Perkins #647327 is incarcerated in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice at theWynneUnit, Huntsville, Texas 77349. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Accusations and testimony from children, parents, and therapist consisted of the following: 1) Threats to children that defendant would cut them up in small pieces and throw them to the chickens. 2) Defendant would have the horses stomp the children. 3) Defendant would drown them in the pond. (which there wasn?t one) 4) Defendant forced dog (puppy) to have intercourse with one child then he cut the dogs penis off and squirted blood on child. 5)Defendant would harm children?s parents if they told. 6) Defendant would insert his fingers into a cat and then into the child. 7) That a gorilla mask was worn. 8) Accusations of photo?s being made of children undressed and sex acts between defendant and children. (NO child pornography or anything else was found or retrieved from defendants home the day it was searched.) 9) Sex ?toys? were said to have been used. 10) Other children were to have been present during these acts. 11) Defendant was to have taken 7 children ages 3-12, upstairs (defendants home) to MBR which was above LR area where approx. 45 people were in attendance of defendants birthday celebration. Out of those 7 children, 3 were defendants grandchildren. 3 others (plus their parents) testified in court not only had nothing ever happen to them but they were not even at defendants home that day. The seventh child testified he did not know defendant and he had only known defendants grandchildren approx. a year at time of trial. 12)After the children were in therapy for a year prior to trial, wife (Carol) of Defendant was said to be a participant and a perpetrator (even though no charges have ever been brought against her) ALL THE ABOVE IS A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD. THE TRANSCRIPT FROM THE ORIGINAL TRIAL IS APPROXIMATELY 3500 PAGES LONG. THIS CASE WAS INVESTIGATED BY HARRIS COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPT. DETECTIVE DON BYNUM WAS THE INVESTIGATING OFFICER. THE PROSECUTOR WAS MARIE MUNIER, HEAD OF THE SEX CRIMES DIVISION OF THE HC D.A.?S OFFICE. THERE WERE TWO LOCAL JUDGES WHO RECUSED THEIR SELVES FROM THE CASE. FIRST WAS JUDGE TED POE AFTER 5 MONTHS OF IT BEING IN HIS COURT. THEN IT WAS ASSIGNED TO JUDGE GOODWIN WHO IMMEDIATELY RECLUSED HIMSELF. CASE WAS THEN ASSIGNED TO A VISITING JUDGE JUAN BLACKBURN FROM THE AMARILLO AREA. AT THE TIME OF TRIAL, JULY 12, 1993, DETECTIVE BYNUM HAD BEEN DEMOTED TO THE WARRANTS DIV OF HARRIS COUNTY. AT THE TIME OF TRIAL, MARIE MUNIER POSITION HAD BEEN REASSIGNED BY THE D.A.?S OFFICE TO A SINGLE COURT PROSECUTOR BUT WAS TOLD SHE WOULD PROSECUTE THIS CASE BEFORE COMPLETING HER DUTIES AS HEAD OF THE SEX CRIMES DIVISION. OUR ATTORNEY?S (ONCKEN & ONCKEN) WERE TOLD SHE HAD BEEN DEMOTED DUE TO HER MANIPULATION OF GRAND JURIES AND LOOSING HER OBJECTIVITY. THE WRIT OF HAEBES CORPUS IS APPROXIMATELY 450 PAGES LONG. WHICH INCLUDES AFFIDAVITS FROM OUR DEFENSE EXPERTS DR. MAGGIE BRUCK PHD, WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF JOHN HOPKINS, DR. ELIZABETH LOFTUS, PHD WITH UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA-IRVINE, AND DR. CHRISTOPHER BARDEN, PHD/JD OF UTAH., ALONG WITH VARIOUS OTHER AFFIDAVITS. DR. REX FRANKS PHD, EVALUATION REPORT IS APPROX 40 PAGES. IF YOU FEEL THE NEED TO TALK TO CURRENT ATTORNEY REPRESENTING KENNETH ?BRUCE? PERKINS PLEASE FIND BELOW THAT INFORMATION. MICHAEL CHARLTON, Attorney PO Box 29316                                                  OR Santa Fe, New Mexico 87592 (505) 751-0515 mike@charlton-legal.com CAROL A. PERKINS (defendants wife) 7019 State Hwy. 75 South, #12 Huntsville, Texas 77340 (936) 662-7333 Cell caperkins@consolidated.net About Bruce Bruce's Bio A Letter From Bruce If I Could Write my Sons A Few Watercolors copyright 2009 National Center for Reason and Justice Apr 05, 2009 The Wrongful conviction of Bruce Perkins 1   Bruce Perkins Falsely Accused, Wrongfully Convicted Home Statement of Facts Carol's Declaration Search This Site How You Can Help A Declaration of Innocence MY HUSBAND IS INCARCERATED IN A TEXAS PRISON FOR AN OFFENSE THAT NEVER HAPPENED. THE MASS HYSTERIA SURROUNDING THE DAY CARE CASES AND THE REPRESSED MEMORY FAD MADE THIS POSSIBLE. Our sons and their wives succumbed to the false science of now discredited "memory recovery" techniques used by so-called mental health professionals. They accused my husband of things that could not be further from the type of man he had always been. He and I served the youth of our community by countless hours of volunteer work for the P.T.A, Little League Baseball, Youth Football, and High School Booster Club involvement. We both held offices in those groups and dealt with thousands of children. Over the many years we were involved there was never a hint of scandal about inappropriate behavior with children. Indeed, many of those kids were adults by the time of the trial volunteered to come forward as character witnesses for Bruce. From the beginning great efforts were made to cover the actions of those who created this myth. Our sons had always been very close to us and communicated daily even when they were grown. Suddenly they were not allowed to speak with the parents who loved them all their loves and raised them the best way they knew how. They never came face-to-face with their father to ask if thesethings were true. It would seem that this would have been the least they could have done before making an extremely zealous move to have their father locked in prison. We still love our sons with the same love God builds in to parental hearts. We fear for their souls if they do not recant the horrible lies that caused this madness. I believe it was the week before Mother's Day in 2001, I for the first time had a real telephone conversation with my eldest son. I did tell him I had found in my heart to forgive him and his brother for what they did to me and their dad, yet the one thing I personally had been unable to forgive them for was what they had done to their own children. God will be their judge?may He forgive them. It could be said, "They know not what they do." But that is no longer true?the world has been made aware that the techniques used to get my grand-children to say all those false things is nothing more than brainwashing. Only a radical fringe of the mental health professionals in this country cling to the ideal that those memories they "recovered" were real. The mainstream studies have proven memory in small children is extremely easy to manipulate. The professional organizations for Psychologists and Psychiatrists have discredited the techniques used on our daughter in law and our grandchildren as bogus and harmful in the extreme. An old proverb said, a man who would ride a tiger should consider first how to dismount without being eaten at the end of the ride. Those who make these accusations come under the obligations inherent with acceptance of financial aid from the victim's funds established from tax money. The system never wishes to admit error so even people who discover they made mistakes in their accusations cannot recant for fear their original testimony will be held as perjury against them. Actually that is not totally true. My husband and I would have to press those charges and we would never do such a thing. An old uncle of mine said, "it is hard to stay mad for that long". It seems my sons have proven him wrong with the influence of the professional "victims groups" out there. A professor of Psychology at Sam Houston State University told her class at the prison where my husband is incarcerated that she and her husband attended some of the Victim's Groups meeting after the loss of their daughter to a heinous crime. They agreed when on the way home from one of the meetings that they could not stay angry as long as those folks were doing. They agreed that it was not healthy to their own minds to dwell forever on hating the ones who did that crime. They decided to let the incarceration of those perpetrators be handled under the laws of Texas and to move on with their lives. My eldest son this past year attacked us again because my website discussed the facts of this case as recorded in public records. They do not ever want the world to know the lies that were told in that courtroom. The pretense of his "victim's complaint" to the prison system was that my husband had "Established and was operating a business" while in prison. This due to that on my website I had some of my husbands many beautiful paintings for sale. After many telephone conversations with various officials with T.D.C.J. and them agreeing that he had no access to the Internet they refused to back off what resulted in them giving my husband a "major" case. Bruce was severely punished for this and lost a number of privileges he had earned by keeping an absolutely clean disciplinary record for the ten years he was there at the time. One of the privileges was the loss of one of the "contact visits" we share each month. Now only two are allowed and the rest of the weekends we visit with a wire screen between us. We miss the hugs and kisses we are allowed at the beginning and end of the visits and the handholding allowed during the visit. In fact what we did violates no rules of T.D.C.J. or laws of the state but we have no recourse to the courts because Bruce's sentence negates the accumulation of "good time" since he has no guaranteed discharge date that includes good time and work time that he accrues. It is at the whim of the Parole Board that he may be granted parole. Others punished under this same "rule" do have recourse to the courts and the ACLU is assisting in their cases. When the warden discussed the case with Bruce very little was said about the sale of the items. Many highlighted areas of our site and others were brought into the discussion and the content of the website with regards to Bruce's innocence seemed to be the focus of the inquisition. High-ranking officials of T.D.C.J. and members of the Texas Legislature have advised me that the first amendment guarantees me the right to express myself in this website as long as there is no libelous statement made. We will no longer offer his craft items for sale however. What a shame! He is in hopes of getting back into the craft shop soon, finally so I suppose we will continue to donate some of his paintings to various organizations for fund raising and give some as gifts. Surely no one could find fault in that? We are grateful for the support of so many friends who have fought this same fight after bogus practitioners of bad therapy procedures, which created false memories, duped their loved ones. Please keep us in your prayers as God works this out. Carol A. Perkins 2004 About Bruce Bruce's Bio A Letter From Bruce If I Could Write my Sons A Few Watercolors copyright 2009 National Center for Reason and Justice Apr 05, 2009 The Wrongful conviction of Gunther Fiek 1   Bruce Perkins Falsely Accused, Wrongfully Convicted Home Statement of Facts Carol's Declaration Search This Site How You Can Help Search This Site   The following search will return one entry per page, and with the context of the first occurrence of the search item. Use your browser's find feature to see find the individual entries on the page. About Bruce Bruce's Bio A Letter From Bruce If I Could Write my Sons A Few Watercolors copyright 2009 National Center for Reason and Justice Apr 05, 2009 The Wrongful conviction of Bruce Perkins 1   Bruce Perkins Falsely Accused, Wrongfully Convicted Home Statement of Facts Carol's Declaration Search This Site How You Can Help How You Can Help You can make a donation to Bruce Perkins' defense by sending your contribution to: The National Center for Reason and Justice POB 191101 Roxbury MA 02119 With your donation, please include a note recommending a distribution to the Bruce Perkins Defense Fund and indicating whether this will be a tax-deductible donation. As well as acting as a fiscal sponsor for such funds, the NCRJ educates the public about prisoners and defendants like Bruce Perkins, who are falsely accused of crimes against children. The NCRJ's Board of Directors distributes money in its Prisoner Legal Defense Fund by balancing the desires of the donors with the needs of their grantees. If you are making a tax-deductible donation, the NCRJ's Board of Directors will take your wishes into serious consideration, but they cannot promise you to deposit all of it in Bruce Perkins' fund. If they did, the IRS would disallow your tax deduction for that donation. For more information on the tax laws governing such contributions, we recommend you consult your own accountant or attorney. You may also make your contributionby credit card . Write to Bruce Perkins Write to Bruce at: Kenneth B. Perkins (Bruce Perkins) TDC #647327 Wynne Unit Huntsville TX 77349 Or use this form to send him an email . About Bruce Bruce's Bio A Letter From Bruce If I Could Write my Sons A Few Watercolors copyright 2009 National Center for Reason and Justice Apr 05, 2009 The Wrongful conviction of Bruce Perkins 1   Bruce Perkins Falsely Accused, Wrongfully Convicted Home Statement of Facts Carol's Declaration Search This Site How You Can Help Biography By K. Bruce Perkins Married at sixteen, two kids by age 19. Greatest achievement? Married to the same wonderful gal 42 years later...Praise God! U.S. Army at age 17. Served in Germany during Cold War and Berlin wall going up. Honorable discharge. High School and College GED achieved in service. Went to work for Southwestern Bell straight out of Army. 17 years there, 12 in management. Stayed close to sons by coaching Little League baseball and football. Held almost every position on the board of the baseball league. As President had the biggest League in the U.S. and operated on a $54,000 budget (up from the previous year's $13,000 budget). Helped build North Harris County football league from a first year enrollment of 150 to over 3,500. Served as coach and board member. Handled insurance claims for whole league one year. Held offices in Parent Teacher Association. Held offices in the Athletic Booster Club at son's High School, including President. At age 33, was raised as Master Mason in the Fairbanks Lodge 1363 of Houston. Started Commercial Landscaping company in 1982. Reached 65 employees and over $1 million of business for several years. Second business was formed when big company failed in the oil crunch. Worked with wife Carol to rebuild landscaping and started a retail horse trailer outlet. Also resumed telephone work. Installed small business systems. In Prison: Completed vocation course in Drafting and Electronics with "A's" in all classes. Nearing Associate Degree with a 3.9+ grade average. Developed art skills and donated regularly to prison art auctions for kids in abused situations. Absolutely clean disciplinary record in prison for over eight years, a record that is unheard of.Receive FIRST Disciplinary case in 2003 due to wife creating a web site about his case and offering his beautiful paintings for sale. Questions? Carol Perkins 7019 St. Hwy. 75 South #12 Huntsville, TX 77340 936-662-7333 About Bruce Bruce's Bio A Letter From Bruce If I Could Write my Sons A Few Watercolors copyright 2009 National Center for Reason and Justice Apr 05, 2009 The Wrongful conviction of Bruce Perkins 1   Bruce Perkins Falsely Accused, Wrongfully Convicted Home Statement of Facts Carol's Declaration Search This Site How You Can Help A Letter From Bruce 2001 "My Name has been Stained, but not my Honor or my Soul." Dear Friends, After more than seven years of incarceration, the shock which registered on my mind the day I was falsely accused has not lessened. The dream usually comes in the wee hours of the morning; I roll over in bed to put my arm around the woman I've been married to for thirty-eight years and my hand hits the steel and I awake with my mind screaming "NO!" The nightmare of the "repressed memory fad" of the eighties has been totally discredited as "junk science" but the residual effect is that many lives were ruined as innocent people were accused and in my case imprisoned. My mentally disturbed daughter-in-law failed to get the good psychological care she needed and fell into a deeper pit when she was brainwashed into believing her Grandfather and had molested her as a child. This was expanded to her own children and she accused several other children of molesting hers when she observed innocent children playing doctor, as she had tuaght them when she involved them completely in her intended homebirthing of her third child. She eventually convinced herself and her child that I had done something to them at my home on my birthday with over forty people in my home. The original police report said I molested a total of seven children (to include those they had already accused) in my bedroom while a houseful of guests were downstairs. I was to have coated them with cake and ice cream, licked it off, molested them, took pictures of it all and cleaned everyone up and got them downstairs with no one the wiser. Four of those children and their parents and psychologists testified at the trial that: first it did not happen, second they were not even there! One child testified, correctly, that he did not know me! Indeed! He met my family only when they moved into his neighborhood months after the alleged event! No woman who believed that her husband had raped their grandchildren would travel four hours each way, every Sunday, for the nine months I was incarcerated in South Texas. Carol did this across the blazing heat of that area and then in the worst and most icy winter they had seen in a generation. Earlier this year, we missed the second weekend visit in all this time due to a lockdown after an escape. Since she was with me during both of the alleged instances, she knows I am innocent! There were others there as well who testified this was all false, but the jury was caught up in the hysteria of all the day care cases which were in the news and they listened to the "experts" who were in a business relationship with the prosecutor which paid them all handsomely from "victim's funds" contingent on my conviction. My beloved wife is fighting like a tiger to set me free and has been sent help from God in the form of the giants in this field. Truly scientific studies have now shown how easy it is to get little children to say anything with incorrect and biased interviewer techniques. We have affidavits from the real doctors such as Maggie Bruck, Elizabeth Loftus, and Chris Barden in support of my latest appeal. Angels like Pam Freyd (of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation) and Publisher Eleanor Goldstein ( www.ultranet.com/~kyp/perkins.html ) are joined by many others in doing all they can to set me free. My attorney, Michael Charlton, is one of the best appellate lawyers in Texas and has educated himself in this field by attending meetings and seminars such as the one in Florida by Dr. Steven Ceci. He has recently (Dec. 2000) filed the writ of habeas corpus for the state level and we will be in front of the judges shortly. The wheels turn so slowly when justice has been denied. By the grace of God my wife and I have survived this madness and look forward to the victory we believe God has in store. That same God has shown me how to pass this time by seeking education and how to show my love for friends and family by painting and drawing. Bruce Perkins TDC #647327 Wynne Unit Huntsville , TX 77349 "Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake." Matthew 5:11 For further information about False Memory Syndrome, this case or other similar cases, contact FMS at 1.800.568.8882 or contact Carol Perkins at caperkins@consolidated.net Questions? Carol Perkins 7019 St. Hwy. 75 South #12 Huntsville, TX 77340 936.662-7333 cell email: caperkins@consolidated.net About Bruce Bruce's Bio A Letter From Bruce If I Could Write my Sons A Few Watercolors copyright 2009 National Center for Reason and Justice Apr 05, 2009 The Wrongful conviction of Bruce Perkins 1   Bruce Perkins Falsely Accused, Wrongfully Convicted Home Statement of Facts Carol's Declaration Search This Site How You Can Help If I Could Write My Sons BRUCE WAS ORDERED NOT TO WRITE OUR SONS SOON AFTER HE WAS INCARCERATED. THE ONES WHO CONVINCED THEM TO BELIEVE THE LIES HAVE THEM TOTALLY INSULATED FROM THE TRUTH. THAT WORKED FOR THE COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIPS FOR ONLY SO LONG. EVENTUALLY THE TRUTH SEEPED IN AND THE IRON CURTAIN FELL. HERE ARE SOME THOUGHTS BRUCE HOPE HIS SONS MIGHT SOMEDAY HEAR. ?Let him who has ears to hear and him who has eyes to see? Read Zechariah 3:1-7 JOSHUA 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. (NIV) My beloved sons, Know that I still love you and always will. I forgive you for the horrible things you have done to your mother and me. I pray that you will ask God to forgive you before you leave this life. This fight is against the devil who rules this world. I would have put my head in a bear?s mouth if he attacked you when you were little and I will fight the demon who has destroyed our lives until my last breath for your precious soles. LUKE 12:2&3 There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden which will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs. (NIV) There are no perfect parents. Yours gave you the best they could of worldly things?and all their hearts could give of love for you. You admit that we backed you in everything. Even when you were wrong?as we later learned. There should be a lesson in that to you. But, when you needed us we were there. Twice at least your father tried to make deals with God for your lives. When a pale and frail three-year-old lay in an oxygen tent with pneumonia and when an eight-year-old was hospitalized with a possibly serious heart condition I asked God to take me instead of my babies. While I meant that with all my heart?it was not the proper way to approach God. He knew what was meant by the prayers of your mother and me and granted those prayers and allowed you to grow strong and tall. As close as we were?why could you not have just looked me in the eye and asked for my side of the fantastic story you took to heart so easily? Why did reason not enter in the process when you were asked to believe that I had done those terrible things while you were only a few feet away? ZECHARIAH 8: 16 & 17 These are the things you are to do: Speak the truth to each other, render true and sound judgment in your courts; do not plot evil against your neighbor, and do not love to swear falsely. ?I hate all this? declares the Lord. Oldest son? you know how much we had talked about your wife?s problems and your suspicions about something similar being done to your children. Your description of her supposed attack by her grand-father were exactly the same things she had your daughter say I had done to her?not similar?exactly the same! You denied this in court but you know in your heart about our discussions and your request that I did not discuss this even with your mother. How could you believe me to be so-stupid as to do something to your children at my home after you told me those things the day we were wiring your new house. I knew you were about to accuse someone and that you were looking for an adult perpetrator! Go back and listen to that video tape your brother left running that day?listen closely?your children?s voices are not absent from the tape for longer than two minutes! Please get in touch with your conscience and ask how you allowed that tape to be altered to exclude evidence that would have proved my innocence? Youngest son? you know that your wife purposely created a false situation that kept you from us through a Christmas that was so dear to us. Remember bringing your daughter to our home to get her gifts some time after Christmas when your brother told you the truth about what really happened? Remember your reaction toward her at that time? Would she do it again and put your daughter through hell to gain her revenge against us even through we never showed her anything but love? You answer that one. You should have listened to your daughter when she denied this at first. All the truly scientific studies show how easy it is to brainwash a child that age. Those techniques were used on your child. Oldest son? you should not have allowed your son to be pounded for all those months when he repeatedly denied the things his mother swore to get him to say in a discussion with your Aunt. You should have listened to your daughter when she said that I had hurt her arm and told her I was sorry, I did! At the last visit to your home that we made. She and your son were crawling all over my shoulders as we sat on the couch and she fell?I caught her by the arm as she fell?it also prevented her from a worse injury. The suggestive questions you asked after that are an extremely effective form of brainwashing. Whether you intended to or not you helped the process along. ZECHARIAH 3: 1-6 May God lead you to see the truth and come to me and start the process to reverse this madness. Put aside your anger?there was never any need for fear even through you both tried to convince the world I intended to harm you. You can come to see me whenever you decide to?you owe it to me for the good years of your upbringing. Be man enough to finally look me in the eye and hear my side?I submit to you that you will go away convinced that the whole thing was a terrible mistake. Know this?my honor is intact and if it means dying in this place I will never admit guilt. My grandchildren will never in their lives see a piece of paper that I signed admitting those things ever happened. I n their minds they know that and will someday step away from you and tell the world the truth. God have mercy on your families and you. I never hurt them and God know it?I believe He will set things right some day?I still hope to see you all in heaven. Dad 2005 QUOTE FROM DR. CHARLES STANLEY It is so easy to hate but it requires great strength to love, especially those who despise you. There is a great peace and joy that come when you let go of bitterness and anger. About Bruce Bruce's Bio A Letter From Bruce If I Could Write my Sons A Few Watercolors copyright 2009 National Center for Reason and Justice Apr 05, 2009 The Wrongful conviction of Bruce Perkins 1   Bruce Perkins Falsely Accused, Wrongfully Convicted Home Statement of Facts Carol's Declaration Search This Site How You Can Help Carol's Favorites From Her Private Collection Love in Porcelain Subject: Red Roses Media: Watercolor Gift of Love Subject: Spring Flowers Media: Watercolor Won recognition in the 1999 CWA National Multimedia Juried Art Show The Cutting Edge Subject: Cutting House Won recognition in the 1999 CWA National Multimedia Juried Art Show About Bruce Bruce's Bio A Letter From Bruce If I Could Write my Sons A Few Watercolors copyright 2009 National Center for Reason and Justice Apr 05, 2009 The Wrongful conviction of Bruce Perkins 1   Bruce Perkins Falsely Accused, Wrongfully Convicted Home Statement of Facts Carol's Declaration Search This Site How You Can Help Send Bruce Perkins a Message Bruce Perkins does not have access to email. But if you'd like to use the form below to send him a message ofsupport, I will see that he receives it. Dear Mr. Perkins , Sincerely, Your Address (Optional, But Including it Enables Mr. Perkins to Reply) [ Note: If you have any trouble using this page,email me at Bob@FreeBaran.org .] About Bruce Bruce's Bio A Letter From Bruce If I Could Write my Sons A Few Watercolors copyright 2009 National Center for Reason and Justice