A Letter From Bruce


"My Name has been Stained, but not my Honor or my Soul."

Dear Friends,

After more than seven years of incarceration, the shock which registered on my mind the day I was falsely accused has not lessened. The dream usually comes in the wee hours of the morning; I roll over in bed to put my arm around the woman I've been married to for thirty-eight years and my hand hits the steel and I awake with my mind screaming "NO!"

The nightmare of the "repressed memory fad" of the eighties has been totally discredited as "junk science" but the residual effect is that many lives were ruined as innocent people were accused and in my case imprisoned. My mentally disturbed daughter-in-law failed to get the good psychological care she needed and fell into a deeper pit when she was brainwashed into believing her Grandfather and had molested her as a child. This was expanded to her own children and she accused several other children of molesting hers when she observed innocent children playing doctor, as she had tuaght them when she involved them completely in her intended homebirthing of her third child. She eventually convinced herself and her child that I had done something to them at my home on my birthday with over forty people in my home. The original police report said I molested a total of seven children (to include those they had already accused) in my bedroom while a houseful of guests were downstairs. I was to have coated them with cake and ice cream, licked it off, molested them, took pictures of it all and cleaned everyone up and got them downstairs with no one the wiser. Four of those children and their parents and psychologists testified at the trial that: first it did not happen, second they were not even there! One child testified, correctly, that he did not know me! Indeed! He met my family only when they moved into his neighborhood months after the alleged event!

No woman who believed that her husband had raped their grandchildren would travel four hours each way, every Sunday, for the nine months I was incarcerated in South Texas. Carol did this across the blazing heat of that area and then in the worst and most icy winter they had seen in a generation. Earlier this year, we missed the second weekend visit in all this time due to a lockdown after an escape. Since she was with me during both of the alleged instances, she knows I am innocent! There were others there as well who testified this was all false, but the jury was caught up in the hysteria of all the day care cases which were in the news and they listened to the "experts" who were in a business relationship with the prosecutor which paid them all handsomely from "victim's funds" contingent on my conviction.

My beloved wife is fighting like a tiger to set me free and has been sent help from God in the form of the giants in this field. Truly scientific studies have now shown how easy it is to get little children to say anything with incorrect and biased interviewer techniques. We have affidavits from the real doctors such as Maggie Bruck, Elizabeth Loftus, and Chris Barden in support of my latest appeal. Angels like Pam Freyd (of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation) and Publisher Eleanor Goldstein (www.ultranet.com/~kyp/perkins.html) are joined by many others in doing all they can to set me free.

My attorney, Michael Charlton, is one of the best appellate lawyers in Texas and has educated himself in this field by attending meetings and seminars such as the one in Florida by Dr. Steven Ceci. He has recently (Dec. 2000) filed the writ of habeas corpus for the state level and we will be in front of the judges shortly. The wheels turn so slowly when justice has been denied. By the grace of God my wife and I have survived this madness and look forward to the victory we believe God has in store. That same God has shown me how to pass this time by seeking education and how to show my love for friends and family by painting and drawing.

Bruce Perkins TDC #647327 Wynne Unit Huntsville, TX 77349

"Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake." Matthew 5:11

For further information about False Memory Syndrome, this case or other similar cases, contact FMS at 1.800.568.8882 or contact Carol Perkins at caperkins@consolidated.net

Questions? Carol Perkins 7019 St. Hwy. 75 South #12 Huntsville, TX 77340 936.662-7333 cell email: caperkins@consolidated.net