How You Can Help

April 6, 2004

Dear Family and Friends,

Our hope of relief, was crushed this past fall, when a Federal Magistrate in Houston ignored the issues in our Writ of Habeas asking for a new trial. Just as the Texas Appeal Courts did previously. We face a long hard road as we prepare to go into the US 5th Circuit Court in New Orleans. Bruce will have been incarcerated 11 years this August, it has been hard on both of us, but the good news is, we continue to hold our heads up, keep our faith and refuse to give up the fight for his freedom.

Parole has been denied twice with the two year “setoffs” each time. We come up again in early 2005 and the board’s considerations will begin in September or October of 2004. We have a whole new board system but it is almost impossible for them to give more than a couple of minutes to each case because of the thousands who come before them each year.

There is evidence that the success rate is higher when a “Parole Attorney” is used. We hope by using one this time the board will give a more indepth positive review. They charge several thousand dollars for their work and we cannot do this alone. In our prayers, we ask God’s help to make this possible. He has sent us help in the past through some wonderful people and we hope this may happen again.


1) Bruce is now being sponsored by the NCRJ (National Center for Reason and Justice) group where by, donations can be received and directed to an account to raise funds for the Parole Attorney. Checks can be mailed to NCRJ, PO Box 230414, Boston, MA 02123-0414.You should designate that the funds are for Bruce Perkins, since they sponsor several prisoners. All of your help is appreciated, no matter how big or small.


2) We have hired a Parole Attorney by the name of Allen Place from Gatesville, Texas who was a State Representative here in Texas about 10 years ago. He is asking us to start getting letters from Bruce’s supporters. Which he will present to the Pardons and Parole Board. I know many of you have done this before and we are grateful, but we must ask that you take the time and help us out again. Please address your support letter to the Board of Pardons and Paroles, Review and Releasing, P.O. Box 13401, Austin, Texas, 78711. BUT mail it to The Law office of Allen D. Place, Jr., 109 South 7th Street, Gatesville, Texas 76528. In the body of the letter be sure and reference Kenneth “Bruce” Perkins, TDC #647327.


There are no rules for support letters. These are only guidelines and suggestions. You may use what fits your own special situation. Letters of support are evidence that the offender will have a network of friends and family to help when he or she is released.

They show:

1) somebody knows the inmate and cares

2) the inmate has free world input while in prison

3) someone will help when he gets out

4) the good side of the inmate and thus helps balance the bad side, which appears in his or her criminal record.


1) family members, close friends and loved ones

2) distant relatives, aunts, uncles

3) respected members of the community, such as businessmen, past and prospective employers, ministers, school teachers, religious teachers, students, counselors, etc.

4) inmate’s TDCJ supervisors or other people who have known him while in prison, e.g. chaplain, counselor, teacher, volunteer from the community.

5) People who know spouse of inmate and can state that spouse’s support will be of value during the offender’s re-adjustment to the community.


A letter of support should make a good appearance. If possible it should be typed. It should be on one page, if you can cover all you need to say in that length. If the letter is from a business or professional person, it should be written on letterhead stationery, if possible.

Thank you in advance for your consideration of our need,

Carol A. Perkins
7019 St. Hwy 75 South, #12
Huntsville, Texas 77340
(936) 662-7333
Kenneth “Bruce” Perkins
TDC #647327 Wynne Unit
Huntsville, Texas 77349