Attorneys at Law
PMB 422
4110 S.E.
Hawthorne Blvd.
Portland, Oregon
Telephone: 503-234-3584
Facsimile: 503-232-3215
September 24. 2006
To Whom It May concern:
Re: Marilvnn Malcom
Marilynn Malcom has asked me to give a brief summary of her case in the form of a letter; I am happy to do so. There is no question in my mind that she is entirely innocent.
Our office has documented this in meticulous detail, in various settings from 1996 though 2001. For a variety of procedural reasons, she has never been able to obtain a court hearing on her claims. No one from the Board of Clemency through every level of both state and federal courts has been willing to address her case on its merits, and either reaffirm that she is guilty — something that is now impossible to do with a straight face -or declare that her trial was fundamentally unfair and set aside her convictions.
I'm enclosing the petition for clemency we wrote for Ms. Malcom. It is a good presentation of both the historical context in which she was tried, and how the evidence relied by the State in order to convict her was unreliable and false.
Best wishes to you. I will be glad to answer any questions regarding this case, and I hope you are able to assist Ms. Malcom.
Her case is one of the greatest injustices I have encountered in more than 30 years of practicing law.
Sincerely yours,
Michael R Snedeker