You can make a donation to Lynn Malcom's defense by sending your contribution to:
The National Center for Reason and Justice
POB 191101
Roxbury MA 02119
With your donation, please include a note recommending a distribution to the Lynn Malcom Defense Fund and indicating whether this will be a tax-deductible donation. As well as acting as a fiscal sponsor for such funds, the NCRJ educates the public about prisoners and defendants like Lynn Malcom, who are falsely accused of crimes against children.
The NCRJ's Board of Directors distributes money in its Prisoner Legal Defense Fund by balancing the desires of the donors with the needs of their grantees. If you are making a tax-deductible donation, the NCRJ's Board of Directors will take your wishes into serious consideration, but they cannot promise you to deposit all of it in Lynn Malcom's fund. If they did, the IRS would disallow your tax deduction for that donation. For more information on the tax laws governing such contributions, we recommend you consult your own accountant or attorney.
You may also make your contribution by credit card.
A Message Fom Lynn
The manipulation of any rule of evidence or exclusion of exculpatory evidence should be criminal. Families are the heart of America and we have the experts who know how to interview children and defend the innocents and they need to be included in these cases. Please become knowledgeable about this issue, it is wrong and a complete nightmare to have your reputation, family and life devastated for no reason. I pray too and hope you will join the team who cares about children, families and innocence.

God Bless America !