Archive for prisons and prisoners
Queer in Fear: The Role of Homophobia and Transphobia in Wrongful Convictions
This paper will explore how the criminal justice system’s ingrained prejudice against LGBTQ2S+ people can lead to wrongful convictions. Primarily, this paper will focus on the negative stereotypes of and myths surrounding queer people, rooted in homophobia and transphobia, that …
Corruption Drove the Fr. Gordon MacRae Case
“For the last 29 years, Father Gordon MacRae has been denied justice, relegated to Concord Men’s Prison in New Hampshire. Despite an ex-FBI agent’s 3-year investigation, a Pulitzer prize-winning Wall Street Journalist’s multi-part exposé, even a current investigation into the …
A New Documentary About the Gordon MacRae Case
The National Center for Reason and Justice has been sponsoring the case of Father Gordon MacRae for many years. Gordon recently informed me of this new 43 minute documentary about his case.
25 years after ‘shaken baby’ conviction, Baltimore County man once again tries to prove his innocence
“The criminal justice system’s demand for proof beyond a reasonable doubt has led to the development of entire scientific fields – some now facing serious questions about their accuracy — aimed at definitively proving a …
Parole Board should heed Baker’s call to pardon the Amirault siblings
“Its [The Governor’s Council] approval would remove a stain on the Massachusetts criminal justice system and help restore the Amiraults’ reputation.”
Actually, the stain is indelible. But the pardons would lighten it.
Read the op-ed at
Governor’s Council to Meet on Amirault Pardons
As most of you know, the NCRJ has been supporting the Amirault family in their quest for …
Justice Delayed for Father MacRae
All this happened because “believe the children” became a nationwide mantra. Society has a duty to protect young children—but also to assess accusations rationally and fairly, especially when they’re improbable, spectacular and horrifying. Journalists, too, must …
Prosecutors and Defense Attorneys Failed to Present Evidence That Could Have Prevented a Newly-Freed New Orleans Man from Spending 36 Years In Prison; Judge At a ‘Loss for Words’
“Prosecutors got their conviction, but at a great cost to an innocent man. To make matters worse, defense attorneys did an inadequate job of saving their client.
“Blood and semen evidence that could’ve cleared a Black man’s name in …
Dying in Prison in the “Live Free or Die” State
“Former NH detective James McLaughlin, the shady detective who was instrumental in pursuing lie after lie about Fr. Gordon MacRae sending him to a long prison term in 1994, was prominent on the Laurie List for “Falsification of Records” and/or …
No Crime Wrongful Convictions
We invite you to watch this brief (about 15 minutes) TED talk on No Crime Wrongful Convictions.
The cases sponsored by the NCRJ all fall into this category. Thanks to Jordan Silverman for the tip.