Author Archive
Onsy Zachary
Onsy Zachary was falsely accused by his brother, who wants him deported. Onsy and his wife, Fadia, fled Egypt to escape religious persecution and sought religious asylum in the U.S.
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Father Paul Shanley
Father Paul Shanley, 82, became one of the highest-profile figures in the Catholic abuse scandal that gripped the state in 2002. But while Shanley’s conviction in February was widely interpreted as a closing chapter in the scandal, his case …
Victor Rosario
Victor Rosario
(photo credit: Peter Chermayeff) On the basis of statements signed while in the throes of delirium tremens, Mr. Rosario was convicted 32 years ago of a crime he did not commit. The police concede that, during the interrogation, …
Elsie Oscarson
Elsie Oscarson. Elsie Oscarson is serving a life sentence for allegedly molesting her two sons at her home in Vermont when they were three and four years old. She was supposed to have engaged in oral sex with them. She …
Francisco Fuster
Francisco Fuster, of Miami, FL, aged 36, was convicted in 1985 on 14 counts of child abuse. The children described the chanting of prayers to Satan, eating someone’s head, and riding on sharks.
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Khemwattie Bedessie
Khemwatie Bedassie. The daycare panic is not over. This tragic case was complicated by anti- immigrant bigotry.
James Rodriguez and Others
James Rodriguez and others. The allegations of horrific sexual abuse started when Randy claimed he had been raped by his father…
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Elizabeth Ramirez and Others
The Texas Four. Elizabeth Ramirez and others.The National Center for Reason and Justice has sponsored the San Antonio 4 since we learned about their plight, in 2008. Before Anna, Cassie, Kristie and Elizabeth found us, they’d written to other …
Bruce Perkins
Bruce Perkins. The frightening thing about “this nightmare” is that such a nightmare could happen to anyone. Once a sexual abuse allegation is made, and the wheels of the Child Protective Services system begin to roll, logic and presumed …