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Parole boards want remorse, but what if you’re innocent?
photo credit: Suzanne DeChillo/The New York Times
The case of Robert Hill, convicted of murder in 1988 on the eyewitness accounts of some high crackheads, brings the Catch-22 of parole to the fore. Thinking it would get him paroled, Hill …
This American Life — The Struggles of Young Pedophiles
NPR’s “This American Life” airs an intelligent and compassionate story about a young pedophile who has never offended and is helping other young pedophiles not to offend.
This story was suggested to Luke Malone by NCRJ Board Member Debbie Nathan.…
Will New York follow Texas in reforming criminal trial rules?
City Limits reports on pressure in New York State to catch up with, yes, Texas, in preventing or remedying wrongful convictions. New York reformers want the state to broaden its very narrow requirements of the kinds of exculpatory evidence the …
New exonerations report: Child sex abuse is different
The new report from the National Registry of Exonerations, a joint project of the University of Michigan and Northwestern University law schools, contains some interesting data about exonerations for alleged child sexual abuse, many of which never occurred.…
New York Times revisits McMartin daycare trials
It has long been said, in varying language, that a lie travels halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on. You do not have to reach back 200 years to Scotland to find enduring wisdom in …
Evidence of Concealed Jailhouse Deal Raises Questions About a Texas Execution
The New York Times on the Todd Willingham case.
Mr. Scheck said that the Willingham case suggested a fundamental weakness in the justice system: If Mr. Webb’s testimony “was really based on a deal and misrepresentation, then …
In Texas, a New Law Lets Defendants Fight Bad Science
NCRJ President Michael Snedeker is quoted in The Atlantic:
The new statute offers another kind of clarity: “It’s important because a lot of really shaky evidence is clothed in objectivity,” said Snedeker, noting the incalculable impact expert testimony can …
Woody Allen Deserves the Benefit of the Doubt
JoAnn Wypijewski in The Nation
“Trampling on an accused priest’s due process rights doesn’t matter to a lot of people, even civil libertarians. Ordinarily, an overgrown gossip column with pretensions wouldn’t matter either, except that this one, “Mia’s Story,” was …
Woody Allen and the Virtual Lynch Mob…
By Mark Godsey
Director, Center for the Global Study of Wrongful Conviction;
Director, Rosenthal Institute for Justice/Ohio Innocence Project…
Our misguided child porn laws do little to protect children
n fact, it is not clear why mere possession of child pornography should ever be grounds for locking people in cages. The Supreme Court’s main rationale for upholding the ban on possession was that demand for this material …