TV News Spot About the Father Gordon macRae Appeal

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

FatherMacRae’s case is sponsored by the National Center for Reason and Justice.

-Bob Chatelle

One Response to “TV News Spot About the Father Gordon macRae Appeal”

  1. I’m so glad that you are covering this story. There are many aspects of this case that have not appeared in the mainstream media. For example, the accuser at MacRae’s trial, along with two of his brothers, originally accused MacRae and another priest, Father Stephen Scruton. However, the latter was not ever in Keene until several years after these persons claimed the abuse occurred. When they realized that what they were claiming was not possible, they simply re-wrote the story, had new interviews with the police, and omitted the other priest’s name entirely. Additionally, MacRae took a series of three pre-trial polygraph examinations all of which he passed conclusively. They were administered by a national polygraph expert. All of these accusers have refused to take polygraph examinations. Most news reports omit the fact that two persons have come forward stating that the accuser at trial was being coached to cry during his testimony. A therapist hired by his contingency lawyer reportedly gave him hand signals indicating when he should cry so that the judge would declare a break and she could then consult with him. This was a series of lies upon lies, and there is nothing in this story that the judicial system can take pride in.

    Here is a link to an article of my own on the MacRae case: