Archive for May, 2014
Friday, May 16th, 2014 @ 5:42PM
“I was a child abuser!”: What we read when we read about child abuse
This article, by NCRJ director Emily Horowitz, addresses the past few decades of mass media coverage of crimes against children and the new laws, including the explosion of sex offender laws, aimed at protecting them, by placing rampant media coverage …
Friday, May 9th, 2014 @ 5:07PM
My son, the sex offender: NBC News
NBC News did a long and fair piece on Sharie Keil, an activist in Missouri for Reform Sex Offender Laws, which the network describes as “a shame-free alliance of offenders and their families, supported by researchers and some advocates …
Friday, May 2nd, 2014 @ 7:39AM
New report: The high cost of incarceration
The Growth of Incarceration in the United States — a new report from the National Research Council — argues that “the United States has gone far past the point where the numbers of people in prison can be justified by …