Exonerating the Friedmans

The compilation of new evidence, which is being made available to view online, featured interviews that Jarecki and his team conducted with children involved in the case, all of whom are now adults. In addition to Michael Epstein, several other …

Witch-hunt, junk forensics? San Antonio Four fight for exoneration

[Attorney Mike] Ware characterizes the case as a witch-hunt based on flawed forensics, bogus witness testimony and a vendetta to lock-up the women because they are lesbians.


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Jesse Friedman Poster

Here is the poster for the Jesse Friedman event this Sunday in Great Neck:

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Freeing the San Antonio Four

From the San Antonio Current:

“I can say that these four women were convicted and falsely imprisoned for a crime they were completely innocent of,” insisted Dallas lawyer Mike Ware, the women’s attorney with Innocence Project. Before taking the …

Forbes Column on the San Antonio Four

The injustices of this case are glaring, and the whole sordid situation bears remarkable similarities to other now-disproven crimes.


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Anna Vasquez, of the Texas Four, Released

In the days leading up to her daughter’s release, Maria Vasquez said she and her family had been preparing Anna’s room, buying a new bedroom suite, mattress, TV and blankets.

They also planned to get whatever groceries they needed for …